A study of Semperis customers across healthcare, financial services, consulting, and energy sectors uncovered economic benefits totaling $9.5M, including reduced time to recover the AD forest, reduced likelihood of a successful AD attack, time savings in managing object- and group-level recovery, and time savings in monitoring the hybrid AD environment.
"Durante las vacaciones y los fines de semana, las empresas no deben relajar sus defensas, sino que deben aumentar su vigilancia frente a los ciberataques. Los cibercriminales a menudo explotan estos periodos con personal reducido para lanzar ataques de ransomware. La manera más efectiva de protegerse frente a estas amenazas…
Durante i giorni di ferie e i fine settimana le aziende non dovrebbero diminuire la vigilanza contro gli attacchi informatici. Anzi, dovrebbero considerare l’opportunità di rafforzare le difese contro attacchi ransomware. La migliore garanzia contro le minacce durante questi periodi è rappresentata dalla consapevolezza e da un affidabile piano di…
Companies should not lower their guard against cyberattacks during holidays and weekends. Instead, they should bolster their defences against ransomware attacks during these times. The most effective protection against threats during the holidays is maintaining awareness and having a robust backup and recovery plan ready to deploy when needed. Malcolm…
Despite widespread cybersecurity efforts, many organizations are unintentionally opening a door to ransomware by reducing their defenses during weekends and holidays. Attackers clearly expect this behavior and target these periods — as well as other material corporate events that might signal distracted or reduced defenses — to strike.
Semperis security researchers Eric Woodruff and Tomer Nahum discovered Silver SAML – a new technique used to launch attacks from an identity provider against applications configured to use it for authentication. How does it differ from Golden SAML? How can enterprises respond to the threat? Senior Security Researcher Eric Woodruff…
A global study of 900 IT and security professionals reveals that 74% of organizations targeted by ransomware were attacked multiple times, and 78% of victim organizations paid ransom, pointing to a cycle of breaches that cause escalating damage in revenue losses, operational cost, and—in some cases—human health and safety.
Identity is the new security perimeter in a world of ever-evolving digital threats, and Semperis stands at the forefront of this change with its innovative Identity Resiliency Platform. Offering comprehensive protection across Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD, the platform ensures operational resilience and robust security in the face of…
Cloud computing has dramatically changed how agencies offer services, much like smartphones have transformed how people access and use information. But these new data-sharing opportunities create new identity-related risks. “Think of the old-school pictures where you had a [physical] data center,” said Alexandra Weaver, with Semperis, a firm that provides…
But users report improvements as high as 64% after using expert guidance to remediate Users of Purple Knight, the community Active Directory (AD) security vulnerability assessment tool built by Semperis experts, reported an average score of 72 out of 100 on their initial reports—a low C grade—in a 2023 survey…