White Papers

DORA and Your Identity Infrastructure

DORA and Your Identity Infrastructure

Understanding the implications of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is crucial, both to meet regulatory demands and to safeguard your identity infrastructure. This white paper provides comprehensive insights into DORA's requirements and practical strategies to enhance your compliance—and your organization's resilience. What's inside: Emerging threat landscape: Explore the latest…

The Guide to the Microsoft Active Directory Forest Recovery Guide

The Guide to the Microsoft Active Directory Forest Recovery Guide

You know that Microsoft provides a 29-step guide to manual AD Forest recovery, but do you actually understand all that is involved?

How Active Directory Security Drives Operational Resilience

How Active Directory Security Drives Operational Resilience

  • Dec 09, 2024

As the primary identity service for 90% of organizations worldwide, “Active Directory is at the very core of your ability to operate and deliver business outcomes,” according to Simon Hodgkinson, former CISO at BP and Strategic Advisor for Semperis. “It needs to be part of your operational resilience strategy instead…

What Does ITDR Mean?

What Does ITDR Mean?

The acronym ITDR throws a lot of us for a loop because we immediately think of IT and disaster recovery, but it’s not that.

Improving your Active Directory security posture: AdminSDHolder to the rescue

Improving your Active Directory security posture: AdminSDHolder to the rescue

This paper emphasizes the significance of default read permissions in Active Directory (AD) security, which is often neglected. The AD forest is not just a security boundary, but it should also be regarded as the range of an intruder's access and security assessment of AD objects after gaining entry into…

Top 10 AD Threats

Top 10 AD Threats

Most Fortune 1000 companies use Active Directory or Azure AD—and AD is involved in ~90% of cyberattacks. Did you know that there are some relatively simple actions you can take that will significantly increase your chances of fighting off attackers and building your resilience? How can you protect your organization?…

Does Your Active Directory Disaster Recovery Plan Cover Cyberattacks?

Does Your Active Directory Disaster Recovery Plan Cover Cyberattacks?

The ability to recover your Active Directory (AD) environment entirely from backup is no longer a nice-to-have response to a highly unlikely event. Given the onslaught of cyberattacks that target AD, the ability to recover AD to a known-secure state following a cyber disaster is a requirement. In this whitepaper,…

Il tuo piano per il ripristino di emergenza di Active Directory ti protegge dagli attacchi informatici?

Il tuo piano per il ripristino di emergenza di Active Directory ti protegge dagli attacchi informatici?

Ora dobbiamo valutare le funzionalità di ripristino di un'azienda nel contesto delle nuove minacce informatiche che oggi prendono di mira AD e che nel 2005 non rappresentavano un motivo di preoccupazione. Purtroppo, a causa dell'aumento degli attacchi, le aziende hanno l'urgente necessità di prepararsi per eseguire il ripristino rapido del…

Votre Plan de Reprise après Sinistre pour Active Directory Tient-il Compte des Cyberattaques ?

Votre Plan de Reprise après Sinistre pour Active Directory Tient-il Compte des Cyberattaques ?

Nous devons maintenant évaluer les capacités de récupération d'une entreprise en la replaçant dans le contexte des nouvelles cybermenaces qui visent AD de nos jours, et dont nous n'avions pas à nous préoccuper en 2005. Malheureusement, l'augmentation du nombre d'attaques signifie que les entreprises doivent se préparer de toute urgence…

Deckt Ihr Active Directory-Notfallwiederherstellungsplan Cyberangriffe ab?

Deckt Ihr Active Directory-Notfallwiederherstellungsplan Cyberangriffe ab?

Wir müssen jetzt die Wiederherstellungsfähigkeiten eines Unternehmens im Zusammenhang mit den neuen Cyber-Bedrohungen bewerten, die inzwischen eine Gefahr für AD darstellen und über die wir uns 2005 noch keine Gedanken machen mussten. Leider bedeutet die Zunahme der Angriffe, dass Unternehmen sich dringend auf eine schnelle Wiederherstellung nach Angriffen auf ihr…