Hybrid Identity Protection

Understanding Azure AD Password (Hash) Sync

Understanding Azure AD Password (Hash) Sync

  • Sean Deuby | Principal Technologist

Now that businesses are adopting cloud computing as part of their business model, a large percentage are choosing to connect their on-premises Active Directory environment to its counterpart in the cloud, Microsoft's Azure Active Directory. When you extend your on-premises AD to Azure AD, you have two choices for how…

When you should use Azure MFA and when you should use MFA Server

When you should use Azure MFA and when you should use MFA Server

  • Sean Deuby | Principal Technologist

One of the most common security-related trends I'm seeing with customers is an interest in adding multifactor authentication (MFA) to both their new and existing solutions. This trend is usually driven by a need to increase overall security, or to satisfy regulatory requirements. As a hybrid service, Azure MFA MFA…