Identity Threat Detection & Response

When you should use Azure MFA and when you should use MFA Server

When you should use Azure MFA and when you should use MFA Server

  • Sean Deuby | Principal Technologist

One of the most common security-related trends I'm seeing with customers is an interest in adding multifactor authentication (MFA) to both their new and existing solutions. This trend is usually driven by a need to increase overall security, or to satisfy regulatory requirements. As a hybrid service, Azure MFA MFA…

Microsoft upends traditional password recommendations with significant new guidance

Microsoft upends traditional password recommendations with significant new guidance

  • Sean Deuby | Principal Technologist

Based on research gleaned from literally billions of login attempts to its Azure cloud service, Microsoft updates its password recommendations - and throws out several long-held industry best practices. Microsoft has recently published a white paper, "Microsoft Password Guidance" that explains their new password guidance, based on the massive amount…

SaaS Passwords Are Like Cockroaches

SaaS Passwords Are Like Cockroaches

  • Sean Deuby | Principal Technologist

And in the case of passwords, each one - especially each forgotten one - is a little security risk scurrying around in the shadows. You may think you have gotten rid of them (or at least reduced them to a manageable amount), but they still keep popping up. And as…

Thinking The Unthinkable: Do You Have An Active Directory Forest Recovery Plan?

Thinking The Unthinkable: Do You Have An Active Directory Forest Recovery Plan?

  • Sean Deuby | Principal Technologist

If you want to make an Active Directory administrator uncomfortable, ask them about their recovery plan. When you ask this question, many AD admins will instead tell you about their object recovery plan. Some will describe their domain controller recovery procedures. But if you press further to ask if they've…