Create and apply policies to allow for administration delegation. Effortlessly monitor user-initiated directory security changes within the tool.
Easily enforce a security-first Active Directory delegation model to reduce excessive permissions, accelerate remediation of risky access rights, and improve agility in responding to user access needs.
As the primary identity store for 90% of organizations worldwide, Active Directory plays a central role in managing user accounts, permissions, and access to resources. AD is also the primary target for malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and conduct domain escalation attacks.
Create and apply policies to allow for administration delegation. Effortlessly monitor user-initiated directory security changes within the tool.
Policy creation wizard simplifies who can have access to what systems. Provides a clear visualization of policy application within the directory tree.
Quickly identify users with the directory permissions, facilitation efficient access management and strengthening security measures.
Talk to our expert AD team to create policies to allow for administrative delegation to improve your overall security posture.
Contact our teamLearn how to enhance Active Directory Administration
Semperis safeguards Active Directory with Confidence